Image Source:
Year Created : 1874
Rule of Thirds
I believe Timothy O'Sullivan avoided placing the main subject of this photo not in the center because it captures your attention with the flow of the water. You first find the beginning of the water source and realize it goes in a downward motion. The water source is spread out going in different directions making this a very busy photo. If I were to say where it was specifically, it would be the last two thirds of the photo.
Is the image black & white or color?
This image is a black and white photograph because of the time it was taken. It is important to also mention that it was very well executed even though photography wasn't as advanced as it is today back then. Black and white photography is very unique as it shows different colors in the subjects due to light and we could clearly see that with the water being practically white in this photo and the scenery being black.
Keeping it Simple
In my opinion, I believe this photo is simple. The image has nothing really blocking it besides maybe the mist in the lower left hand side due to the falls. But the image is clearly shown well. We realize that it is a waterfall in a mountain like scenery. All the images are seen clearly, making this photo simple and unique for this time frame.
Why'd I choose this Photo?
I chose this photo because I found it to be very interesting for a photo before the 1900's. The caption below the photo while looking at it compared the waterfall to being the Niagara Fall's of the west. What also really interested me was the motion of the water and how well it was captured really making it the main subject of the photo. The shape of the waterfall as well goes in a curve like shape, making it an interesting point of view.
Photo By : Peter Sekaer
Image Source :
Year Created : 1937
The texture in this photo is shiny, and smooth because of the metals making the sign. This was a photo of Time Square in it's early stages. The signs in this picture are very smooth and shiny, but the overall feeling could be considered rough because of the unfinished look in sign in the background but also the buildings being brick. Brick has this rough texture to them, making them seem gritty in a way. It's as if it was still a work in process.
Quality of Light
It looks as if this photo had sufficient amount of light but it also looks like this photo was taken on a cloudy day. The light to me in this photo is bland or flat. But that may be because of the clouds in the background making this a gloomy day. Nothing really looks bold or pops out to me but it was clearly all visible.
Main Subject
The main subjects is the big tower with the Peanuts sign, Coca Cola sign, a large statue in the middle. All of the main images are in the center of the photo. We don't really focus on the brick buildings to the side. But if I were to decide what really stands out the must, it would be the Peanuts sign because it captures your eye, even from afar.
Why did you choose this photo?
I had chosen this photo because it was one of many photos showing the progression of Time Square. I like the rough feeling of this photo showing how it was still in the works of being something great. All those signs also showed me that there was some sort of city life even back then with entertainment and food.
Photo By : Andrew Harrer - Pool
Image Source :
Year Created : 2014
Subject's Expression
The subject in this particular photo is Barack Obama. Barack is pictured smiling wide and his eyes are squinting. It looks as if Barack is very happy at this point in his presidency. His body language fits the facial expression he has. This photo looks as if it was taken during his laugh and seems to be a genuine reaction from Barack.
What feelings does the image create?
When looking at this photo, right away you smile. Barack Obama's smile here is contagious and creates a feeling of happiness. What I believe really makes you believe this smile is genuine is his eyes glaring to the other direction, most likely at someone else. It's as if you can image someone telling a joke to the President and he just can't contain his laughter.
In Or Out Of Focus
Barack Obama's smile here was taken in focus. Barack's smile is shown very clearly, which really is what creates the overall feeling of the photo. The image of Barack is very sharp and clear while his background isn't as focused. This photo of Barack is so in focus you can see the smallest details in the President's face. You are able to see his dimples and the wrinkles underneath his eyes.
Why Did I Choose This Image?
I had chosen this image because the reaction Barack Obama has here. Barack Obama is smiling in this photo and that is how I want to think of him in is final term as President. This photo was also so clear and sharp that the meaning behind it was very clear. The photographer here captured Barack really enjoying himself which I am sure must be rare with the stress he has to deal with.